Friday, December 14, 2012

December 2012

Wow, I cannot believe it is already December. This year has flown by for us. I think having a child does that to you... watching them grow up and change so quickly makes time fly by! 

So let me give you some updates starting with Aiden.

He is a crazy, fun, loving, into everything, all boy 15 month old! He's very talkative, unfortunately it's all baby babble to us. We normally can figure out what he wants (mainly cause he points to everything now!) but there are some days I just have no idea. :)

Favorite Foods:
Green Peas (or green balls as Nana calls them)
Fried Eggs (just discovered this morning)
And any sweets mommy and daddy are eating!
He also has this thing for wanting Eli's beer....

Favorite Activities:
Chasing LaRue
Chasing the dogs at work
Throwing toys
Playing with LEGOs
Reading/Looking at books
Rough housing with Daddy
Snuggling with Mommy & Daddy
Getting into every cabinet and going through all it's contents :)

Eli & I have just loved watching Aiden grow, develop and learn. It's crazy how quickly they pick things up. Like, waving goodbye, high fiving, playing peek-a-boo (with his hands and hiding behind things), blowing raspberries, and making animal or car sounds.... not always with the right toy though!

*the other day it was a tiger making car noises*

I unfortunately could not get him to roar when he was a lion for Halloween. Isn't he a cute lion though?

As you can probably tell, we're the Tin Man, Cowardly Lion & Wicked Witch of the West.

We had a fun time putting our outfits together. Eli's was pretty awesome!

Next update: Eli

Eli joined the ranks of "old people" this year when he turned 25 in August! I still think he is a handsome young stud. :)

He is still working for Xerox and is really liking it. Not only for the freedom it gives him during the day (driving from location to location with just himself and music) but he also enjoys the problem solving and working with his hands. 

Eli's newest venture is selling LEGOs on Ebay. Who knew that there was such a profitable market there?!?! It's nice cause not only does he love LEGOs and putting them together, he likes the extra income. Because of this extra income we are going to Hawaii in January (woohoo!) and he is also able to save up for his next tattoo. 

And last but not least: Courtney (me)

I turned 23 earlier this month. I DO NOT feel, or even think I look like I'm 23. Somedays I look in the mirror and still see a teenager. Maybe that's good.. I don't know. 

Still working at Oopsie Daisy. Still enjoy it. Somedays are hard with Aiden but other days are just fine. We're pretty busy right now with Christmas but this is probably one of my favorite holidays. All the wonderful smelling christmas greens, everyone saying "Merry Christmas & Happy New Years!" and I really love most of the arrangements we do this time of year. 

Outside of work, what do I do? Go to the gym. Haha, I wish I was that committed. I try to go 2-3 times a week. What I actually do is try to keep the house clean, or should I say at least kinda orderly? Make dinner (homemade chicken noodle soup tonight, delicious!) and spend time with friends. I've been going to a wednesday ladies coffee/playdate and really enjoy it. It's nice to just sit and chat with friends, let the kids play and run off energy. And we pray together. I truly believe praying together really brings you closer as friends and to God, especially when you are willing to open up and let the real you come out. At least, that's how I feel. 

we are blessed. 

Stay tuned for more exciting news and pictures, coming in the next few weeks!